Milky Way Memo

by Sergey Prokopenko


3.99 usd

Use cases.1.Personal electronic notebook, memo and organizer accessible on all your Android devices....

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Use cases.1.Personal electronic notebook, memo and organizer accessible on all your Android devices. Organize your home projects and plan your camping trips or journey, write travel diary. Create equipment list, shopping list, groceries list which can be always at hand. Plan your budget, use it for expenses accounting or other sums calculation, prepare email templates or SMS templates, create your full contacts archive or address book.2.Tool to share and collect information useful for family or other group of people. (For example, inventory of equipment and things sharing between members of hike or camping trip, expenses accounting in the group with all group members access).3.Field Data Collection with following data import into desktop PC application or database.Before the purchase, you can try its free version "Milky Way Memo Light" application.
It is especially good for collecting, keeping and using information organized in arbitrary way, not template based. Hierarchy of any complicity and links between notes are allowed. There is a possibility of sdcard and internet media files references and some of not very complicated processing of collected in memo numeric data, in the form of sums calculation, including custom formulas definition. Thanks to sync in groups support (up to 256 users) and notes export in CSV text format, it can be used for data collection (including geo location) and data access in groups. Wide use of link between notes concept here is one more it's distinctive feature which helped in the application name and logo definition.
Version 1.9 has the following features:-Schedule and reminder.-Notes search by entering key word or phrase.-Menu of arbitrary hierarchy creation as well as notes search tags.-Easy notes navigation by paging. Swiping notes in horizontal direction (deeper into hierarchy) and vertical direction (scroll list of notes up and down). Select a child note and page forward. Page memo back till its start or back to parent notes in alternative navigation mode.-References create additional links between notes and can speed up access to required information.-Flexibility in notes properties assigning. By recognition, by functions, by prefixes. (Call a number, template emails and sms, show geo coordinates or address on a map, open internet link in a browser, open reference to photo, video, text document or other file on device's sdcard, text exchange with other applications).-Private information protection with password.-Dropbox sync with working in groups support. No “conflicted copy” file problems. Data merging and conflicts auto-resolving support.-Adding user created functions to define color and sums calculated for your notes.-Sums calculation for numeric values from notes, custom formulas definition.-Multiple documents support, copy notes or tree of notes between lists of the same or different documents.-Import and export of application documents.-Import and export of contacts, export into *.vcf file, electronic business cards (vcards) exchange.-Notes with current geo location coordinates.-Export in CSV text format. Can be used with following import into desktop applications (Microsoft Excel, for example). Or field data collection usage with following import into databases.-Voice to text option in text entry.
On the screenshots above, you can see some of UI options during working with a document named "sample", which is included into distributing package. You will be able to organize information inside your own documents any way you choose.